Buy 25mm ptfe filters for hplc waters
Sartorius Minisart SRP Syringe Filters 0.45µm; 25mm; Non
Designed for ultracleaning of small volume samples for the HPLC or GC analysis. Sartorius Minisart SRP Syringe Filters are single-use filtration units with a chemically resistant PTFE membrane and male luer slip outlet. Available in 4, 15 and 25mm diameter filters with 0.2 or 0.45 μm pores.
Phenomenex Filtration Part: Phenex™ Filter Membranes, Teflon
Filtration Part: AF0-0510 Phenex™ Filter Membranes, Teflon (PTFE), 0.45 µm, 13 mm dia., Non-Sterile, 100/Pk We use cookies to improve your experience and our website service. To read more about our cookies policy, please read our privacy statement.
Nalgene® Syringe Filters, PTFE, 25mm, Thermo Scientific | VWR
Filter solvents with Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ 25mm diameter Syringe Filters with PTFE membranesSyringe filters are attached to the end of a syringe to remove particles from a sample prior to analysis. Filtering liquids, the single-use devices force liquids through the filter either when fluids are initially drawn or delivered. Circular shaped in diameters that fit common syringe sizes
Membrane Filters, PTFE - Tisch Scientific
PTFE Membrane Filters, 0.22 um, 25mm, Nonsterile, with PP substrate (Meets the requirements of USP Plastics Class VI) 200 per pack, SF17375 Regular Price: $140.30 Price $126.88
Laboratory Filters : Waters
The minispike outlet, available on 13 mm PTFE, Nylon, GH Polypro, and PVDF Acrodisc Syringe Filters, allows for easy dispensing into autosampler vials. Membrane Design Typically, the first step in selecting a suitable filter is to choose a membrane that is chemically compatible with the sample (see table below for a full selection of mebranes).
ptfe membrane filter non sterile company alibaba
1-4mL Autosampler Vials for HPLC, UPLC, GC 16mm, 25mm Test Tubes for Water Analysis PTFE filter merane for aqueous solution $1.00 $35.00andPack 10.0 Packs (Min ...
PES, PTFE and NYLON Syringe Filters - Buy online at LabDirect
MS® Nylon syringe filters offer universal application for analytical procedures. Hydrophilic Nylon is ideal for aqueous (non-acidic) or organic sample prep and HPLC, GC or dissolution sample analysis. With its excellent flow characteristics, very low
Cronus Syringe Filters for HPLC Sample Filtration
Cronus 25mm Nylon Syringe Filter 0.45µm with 1µm Glass Fibre Pre-Filter : 100 Pack: FPNN2545-100: 1000 Case: FPNN2545-1000: Cronus 25mm PTFE Syringe Filter 0.2µm. Luer Lock inlet, Luer Spike outlet. 100 Pack: FFPT2502-100: 1000 Case: FFPT2502-1000: Cronus 25mm PTFE Syringe Filter 0.45µm. Luer Lock inlet, Luer Spike outlet. 100 Pack
0.45um 25mm Ptfe Syringe Filter For Lab Hplc Use - Buy 0.45um
0.45um 25mm Ptfe Syringe Filter For Lab Hplc Use , Find Complete Details about 0.45um 25mm Ptfe Syringe Filter For Lab Hplc Use,0.45um 25mm Ptfe Syringe Filter,Ptfe Syringe Filter,Ptfe Syringe Filter For Lab Hplc Use from Other Lab Supplies Supplier or Manufacturer-Xi'an Tefic Biotech Co., Limited
Mobile Phase Filtration - Laboratory | Pall Corporation
We offer several filters to accommodate the various types of HPLC solvents. Our wwPTFE (water wettable polytetrafluoroethylene) membrane is a universal solvent membrane to reduce confusion with filter selection. Typical membrane filters range in size from 25 to 90 mm in diameter and are available in a 0.2 or 0.45 μm membrane pore size.
Syringe Filters,PTFE Membrane 0.45μm,25mm Diameter,50 Pcs
Cheap Funnel, Buy Quality Education & Office Supplies Directly from China Suppliers:Syringe Filters,PTFE Membrane 0.45μm,25mm Diameter,50 Pcs syringe filters by Ks Tek Enjoy Free Shipping Worldwide! Limited Time Sale Easy Return.
13mm,25mm,33mm Hplc Syringe Filters With Nylon Mce Ptfe Pes
13mm,25mm,33mm Hplc Syringe Filters With Nylon Mce Ptfe Pes Pvdf Pp Ca Glass Fiber Membrane , Find Complete Details about 13mm,25mm,33mm Hplc Syringe Filters With Nylon Mce Ptfe Pes Pvdf Pp Ca Glass Fiber Membrane,13mm Syringe Filters,25mm Syringe Filter,33mm Syringe Filters from Other Lab Supplies Supplier or Manufacturer-Shanghai Zdan International Co., Ltd.
WICOM PERFECT-FLOW(r) syringe filter, PTFE Membrane 0.45µm, 25mm
WICOM PERFECT-FLOW(r) syringe filter, PTFE Membrane 0.45µm, 25mm buy now | Delivery time ca. 2-3 Arbeitstage WICOM PERFECT-FLOW(r) syringe filter, PTFE Membrane 0.45µm, 25mm - buy now JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser.
Syringe Filters for HPLC/HPLC Mobile Phase Filtration
PTFE Syringe Filters; PTFE Syringe Filters are universal filters that are inert to a wide variety of aggressive solvents and strong acids and bases. These syringe filters can also be exposed to high temperatures and are an excellent choice for HPLC sample preparation. We offer PTFE syringe filters in both their hydrophobic and hydrophilic states.
Acrodisc® Syringe Filters With Universal Membranes - HPLC
Filter Size 25 mm. Alternate for 4560. Filter Media: Water wettable polytetrafluoroethylene (wwPTFE) ... Effects of filters on HPLC column life following ...