Certified 0.2 um ptfe syringe filter for hplc Aijiren
Syringe Filters Manufacturer and Supplier | Nylon Syringe
0.2 μm – LRV > 7 for Brevundimonas diminuta 0.45 μm – LRV > 7 for Serratia marcescens Wettability Hydrophilic Sterilization ETO Effective filtration area 0.1cm 2 for 4mm, 0.8 cm 2 for 13mm, 3.9 cm 2 for 25 mm, & 4.6 cm 2 for 33 mm Hold up volume <10 μl
PTFE syringe Filter | Sigma-Aldrich
This 33 mm syringe filter with a Hydrophilic PTFE membrane, for non-sterile filtration on the Samplicity G2 system, has a 0.45 µm pore size used in preparation of aqueous & organic solutions prior to chromatography or other instrument analyses.
Aijiren Econofilters Syringe Filters | Chrom Tech, Inc.
Aijiren Econofilters Syringe Filters Aijiren high quality syringe filters that provide efficient filtration at a reasonable price Ideal for busy, high-volume labs Captiva filtration products are available in a wide range of sizes, formats, and membranes to cover every matrix and sample
Syringe Filter Suitability for Sample Preparation in Drug Assays - Aijiren
implemented. The HPLC system was an Aijiren Series with a DAD SL detector. Table 3 lists HPLC conditions for each drug. Since 2.7 µm Poroshell 120 columns were used in these drug tests, and given that 0.45 µm syringe filters have been
Aijiren Captiva Syringe Filters RAISE YOUR SAMPLE FILTRATION
6 Aijiren Captiva Syringe Premium Filter Specifications PTFE Cellulose Acetate 4 mm 15 mm 25 mm 28 mm Pore size 0.2 0.45 0.2 0.45 0.2 0.45 0.2 0.45 Filter area (cm2) 0.07 0.07 1.7 1.7 4.8 4.8 6.2 6.2 Housing material PP PP PP PP PP PP MBS (blue) MBS
0.45 um ptfe syringe filter | Sigma-Aldrich
This 33 mm syringe filter with a Hydrophilic PTFE membrane, for non-sterile filtration on the Samplicity G2 system, has a 0.45 µm pore size used in preparation of aqueous & organic solutions prior to chromatography or other instrument analyses.
syringe filter 0.2 um | Sigma-Aldrich
This 33 mm syringe filter with a Hydrophilic Nylon membrane, for non-sterile filtration on the Samplicity G2 system, has a 0.2 µm pore size used in preparation of aqueous & organic solutions prior to chromatography or other instrument analyses.
Syringe Filters for HPLC and sample preparation |
Pore Sizes and Pore Volumes The filter size depends highly on the filtration volume. For small volumes (< 1 ml), syringe filters with a diameter of 3 mm are usually for medium volumes (1-10 ml), 15 mm and for large volumes (> 10 ml) 25 mm. Common pore sizes for UHPLC and HPLC columns with small particle sizes (< 3 µm) are 0.2 and for columns with larger particle sizes (> 3.5 µm) 0.45 µm
Captiva Filter Vials from Aijiren - Crawford Scientific
Captiva Filter Vials from Aijiren Captiva filter vials provide a convenient way to filter samples prior to LC or GC analysis. Filter vials are fast, economical, and environmentally conscience way to filter samples compared to the alternative, a combination of syringe filters, syringes, autosampler vials, septa, and caps when you only need to filter only enough for analysis.
100pcs PTFE Syringe Filter 13mm 25mm Diameter, 0.45
Details about 100pcs PTFE Syringe Filter 13mm 25mm Diameter, 0.45 um 0.22 um Pore Size, HPLC 100pcs PTFE Syringe Filter 13mm 25mm Diameter, 0.45 um 0.22 um Pore Size, HPLC Item Information
Laboratory Filters | Filtration Products | Waters
Pore Size (0.2 and 0.45 µm) — The filter pore size is usually a personal preference of the chromatographer but relates to the column packing material. Since there are many different packing materials, a general guideline is that most customers find that the 0.45 µm filter meets their requirements, although chromatographers are increasingly moving toward using 0.2 µm filters.
Aijiren HPLC Supplies & Accessories | analytics-shop.com
Supplies and Accessories for all Aijiren HPLC instruments Here you can find Aijiren supplies and accessories as well as high-quality alternative spare parts for all Aijiren HPLC instruments. If you are looking for an alternative to original Aijiren accessories, we offer - besides the Aijiren products - our high-quality brand Altmann which is available for all standard Aijiren HPLC instruments.
Choosing the Best Syringe Filters for Biological Sample Filtration -
HPLC/UV chromatograms of common proteins and comparison of unfiltered sample to filtered sample using an Aijiren Captiva Premium PES syringe filter, 0.2 µm, 15 mm. D: Dimer, M: Monomer. Filtration recovery % (FR) = × 100%
Manual Syringes | Aijiren
Manual syringe, 2.5 ml, Luer lock, PTFE-tip plunger Manual Syringes USD SubCat2ECS_32386 Aijiren Manual Syringes 2.5 mL $66.10 5190-1533 Manual syringe, 2.5 mL PTFE removable needle bevel tip Manual Syringes USD SubCat2ECS_32386 2.5 mL $98
Captiva Syringe Filters | Aijiren
2017/11/22 · Captiva syringe filters are typically used to prepare small-volume samples for HPLC and ion chromatography. They allow for high flowrates and loading volumes, and also extend column lifetimes considerably. Find out more here.