Common use 13mm ptfe membrane filter for hplc Aijiren
HPLC Solvent Filtration Assembly and Membrane Filters | Aijiren
Solvent Filtration & Filter Membranes for HPLC. Mobile phase filters can improve the performance of your LC system by removing contaminants from solvents and degassing solvents in systems lacking on-line degassers. The use of filters decreases piston wear from particulates, increases column life, and eliminates pump downtime caused by air locks in check valves.
MilliporeSigma 13mm Nonsterile Millex Syringe Filters
Description. Hydrophobic PTFE membranes have excellent solvent resistance and are ideal for HPLC sample preparation; Overmolded polypropylene housing design provides a more robust filter, with a maximum housing pressure of 150psig (10 bar) enabling solutions to be filtered faster
MilliporeSigma LCR Hydrophilized PTFE Membrane Filters
MilliporeSigma™ LCR Hydrophilized PTFE Membrane Filters . 13mm: Pack of 100 for $305 ... Used with all common HPLC solvents;
Acrodisc® Syringe Filters
4472 Acrodisc CR PTFE, 0.45 µm, 4 mm 250/750 4552 Acrodisc CR PTFE Minispike, 0.2 µm, 13 mm 100/300 4423 Acrodisc CR PTFE, 0.2 µm, 13 mm 100/300 4553 Acrodisc CR PTFE Minispike, 0.45 µm, 13 mm 100/300 4422 Acrodisc CR PTFE, 0.45 µm, 13 mm 100/300 4225 Acrodisc CR PTFE, 0.2 µm, 25 mm 50/200 4219 Acrodisc CR PTFE, 0.45 µm, 25 mm 50/200
Tube screw (10/Pk) Wire marker 5062-2483 Tube PTFE 1.5 mm x 5 m, 3 mm od 5062-8517 Inlet filter adapter (4/Pk) 5041-2168 Solvent inlet filter, 20 µm pore size Aijiren Lab LC Series II Isocratic- and Quaternary Pumps User Manual
Sample Syringe Filters - Kromatek
Inorganic Samples – Use PES membrane syringe filters for applications like ion chromatography. 2. Choose Filter size 0-10ml Sample Volume use 13mm Syringe Filters ; 10-100ml Sample Volume use 25mm Syringe Filters; 10-250ml Sample Volume use 33mm Syringe Filters and for fastest flow rates. 3. For HPLC Use 0.2u syringe filters for sub 2.7u
Thermo ScientificTarget2 PTFE Syringe Filters:Filters and
Target2 Syringe Filters are an ideal choice for general purpose laboratory use. Robust and reliable, they deliver excellent performance at an attractive price. Outstanding Performance. Low extractable membranes and housings ensure that no filter-borne contaminants are added to your sample; Performance-tested under actual HPLC conditions
PTFE Membrane Filters - Membrane Filters | Sigma-Aldrich
Milliseal Membrane Seal, PTFE, 18 mm This is a 18 mm Hydrophobic PTFE Membrane Filter with a 0.45 micron pore size. For use in Sterilizing filtration, bioassays, solvent filtration. pricing
Aijiren Captiva Syringe Filters RAISE YOUR SAMPLE FILTRATION
manufacturer. All Aijiren Captiva Premium Syringe Filters are supplied with a HPLC or LC/MS Certificate. Choose from a variety of membrane types and pore sizes to suit your needs. Aijiren Captiva Premium Syringe Filters Premium Filters, 100/pk Description Diameter (mm) Pore Size (µm) Certification Housing Part No. PTFE 4 0.2 LC Polypropylene
Syringe and Syringeless Filters - Fisher Sci
Fisher Scientific - Guldensporenpark 26 - 9820 Merelbeke - Belgium Tel. 056 260 260 - Fax. 056 260 270 - be.fisher@thermofisher.com S.R.L. au capital de EUR 18 550, RCS Bruxelles 667572, N° TVA : BE 47 92 91 549
Titan3™ PTFE (Hydrophobic) Syringe Filters
Available in sizes and membrane types to meet any application need, Thermo Scientific™ Titan3™ PTFE Hydrophobic Syringe Filters provide cleaner sample extracts by removing interfering materials and fine particles. These filters are used for filtration of aggressive organic, highly basic or hot solutions and as transducer protectors.
Hplc Solvent Filter at Thomas Scientific
HPLC Glass Fiber (GF) – Can be used as preliminary filtering step and for solution clarification without clogging Pre-filtration of heavily contaminated aqueous solvent based samples Extends membrane life when filtering viscous solutions Syringe Filter (PES)
Syringe Filter Suitability for Sample Preparation - Aijiren
depends on the sample medium and the filter membrane’s chemical compatibility. • For aqueous samples, hydrophilic-type membranes are preferred, such as cellulose acetate (CA) or polyethersulfone (PES). • For organic samples, especially with aggressive solvents, polypropylene (PP) or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) filters should be used.
How to Select the Right Membrane Syringe Filter - Aijiren
Chemical Resistance Table lists the most popolar solvents used in HPLC along with the compatible membrane types. • PTFE membranes are compatible with almost all solvents, acids and bases. • Nylon 66 membranes are compatible with most solvents, organic and aqueous; but use with strong acids, methylene chloride and DMF is not recommended.
Merck Millipore products for filtration | analytics-shop.com
Filtration products by Merck. At Analytics-Shop you find a large selection of membrane filters and syringe filters by Merck Millipore. We offer a broad variety of different filter membranes of high quality, e.g. Merck Millipore millex syringe filters and ominpore or isopore membrane filters by Merck Millipore.