Iso9001 sterile ptfe membrane filter for hplc vwr
Membrane filters, non sterile, ReliaDisc™ | VWR
These plain white non sterile microfiltration membranes are used to remove particles and microorganisms from various organic solvents and aqueous solutions.Membraanisuodattimet tunnetaan myös nimellä kalvosuodattimet ja niitä käytetään laajasti erilaisiin suodatussovelluksiin kuten veden puhtauden määrityksiin. Membraanisuodatus voi olla myös keino liuoksen steriloimiseen
Filtration capsules, Sartofluor® | VWR
Sartofluor® MidiCaps® and Capsules are self contained, ready to use, sterile filter units for sterilising grade filtration in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. Their unique hydrophobic PTFE membrane is ideally suited for particle removal and sterilising grade filtration of gases and for filtration of highly aggressive liquids like solvents, acids and bases.
Filtres-seringue, Acrodisc® PTFE | VWR
Compatibilité chimique et thermique exceptionnelle. Filtre idéal pour la filtration des gaz et des solvants organiques. Prévention des pics parasites sur les chromatogrammes, assurant des résultats expérimentaux précis. Certification pour HPLC pour les faibles taux de substances extractibles détectables aux UV.
Syringe Filters | VWR
Description: Low protein binding filters for sterile filtration of biological samples, serum and cell culture media. ,514-4125EA,516-7702EA,516-7703EA,516-9087EA,514-4102EA,514-4128EA,514-4119EA Syringe filters , Acrodisc®, Nylon
Filtration | VWR
Filter sind unerlässliche Hilfsmittel in Forschungslaboren und vielen anderen Branchen, um Partikel zu entfernen und die erforderlichen Bedingungen für eine Vielzahl von Versuchen und Verfahren zu schaffen. Filter sind in verschiedenen Formen erhältlich, darunter In-Line-Filter, Filterpapier, kleine Kapseln und große Lüftungsfilter.
Membranfilter | VWR
Beschreibung: Naturally hydrophilic highly versatile laboratory membrane filter. ,514-4057EA,514-4054EA,514-4056EA,516-7955EA,516-7954EA,516-7951EA,514-4055EA Membrane disc filters, wwPTFE (water wettable PTFE)
Membrane, Venting Ptfe at Thomas Scientific
GC and HPLC with the Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ 50mm Inline Syringe Filter with PTFE membrane. Also for sterile filtration of air and gases. Provides an excellent barrier for sterile venting of benchtop fermentors, or protecting vacuum pumps from moisture.
Membrane Filter Units | VWR
The membrane filtration units can be installed in relatively small facilities that blend into the surrounding area and can be fully automated to significantly reduce the required amount of operator attention. Sterile units are ideal for microbiological testing of water quality, food, raw material, sterility, and product quality.
Syringe filters | VWR
Available with either PP, PTFE or nylon membrane. Membranes are available in either 0,2 or 0,45 µm pore size, with the choice often made on analytical column packing size. If the column packing size is larger than 3 μm then use 0,45 μm, and if 3 μm or smaller then use 0,2 μm.
Syringe Filters for HPLC and sample preparation | analytics
Pore Sizes and Pore Volumes. The filter size depends highly on the filtration volume. For small volumes (< 1 ml), syringe filters with a diameter of 3 mm are usually for medium volumes (1-10 ml), 15 mm and for large volumes (> 10 ml) 25 mm. Common pore sizes for UHPLC and HPLC columns with small particle sizes (< 3 µm) are 0.2 and for columns with larger particle sizes (> 3.5 µm) 0.45 µm
Membrane Filters | VWR
The filters can be installed in compact, automated, or modular units. These strainers can be used as separators between stacked discs in a single filter holder during serial filtration. Membrane filters are virtually inert to chemical and biological agents, ensuring stability when filtering concentrated acids, alkalis, or oxidizers.
PTFE Membrane Syringe Filters Type- SYTH
PTFE Membrane Syringe Filters Type- SYTH. mdi Hydrophilic PTFE Syringe Filters type SYTH are specially designed for use in laboratories for small volume filtration and sample preparation.The hydrophilic PTFE membrane and polypropylene (PP)construction makes it suitable even for filtration of highly aggressive solvents.
Membrane disc filters, wwPTFE (water wettable PTFE) | VWR
The next generation of universal hydrophilic PTFE membrane with maximum chemical compatibility when filtering both aqueous solutions and aggressive solvents.VWR har ett brett sortiment inom filterpapper, membranfilter, sprutfilter, glasfiberfilter, kvalitativa och kvantitativa filterpapper. Filtren finns i olika storlekar och former, t.ex runda eller fyrkantiga, veckade eller släta.
Hydrophilic PES Membrane for HPLC – Membrane Solutions
Hydrophilic PES Membrane for HPLC . Descriptions. Hydrophilic PES membrane consists of pure polyether sulfone polymers without support. It can provide good mechanical strength, thermal stability and broad chemical compatibility. It’s applicable for pure water filtration, particles removal of HPLC aqueous mobile phase, preventing column clogging.
Syringe Filters for HPLC & Sample Preparation | analytics
Pore Sizes and Volumes. The filter size depends highly on the filtration volume. For small volumes (< 1 ml), syringe filters with a diameter of 3 mm are used for medium volumes (1-10 ml), 15 mm and for large volumes (> 10 ml) 25 mm. Common pore sizes for UHPLC and HPLC columns with small particle sizes (< 3 µm) are 0.2 and for columns with larger particle sizes (> 3.5 µm) 0.45 µm, respectively.