Premium sterile ptfe syringe filter for hplc thermo fisher
Syringe and Syringeless Filters - Fisher Sci
Syringe and Syringeless Filters Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Syringe Filters Filter sample volumes of 10 to 100mL with these nonsterile syringe filters featuring a variety of membranes and pore sizes for most laboratory applications.
FS Syringe SinglePage v1
syringe Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Syringe Filters are available in a variety of sizes and membranes for both sterile and non-sterile laboratory applications. Nalgene gives you choices to meet your needs for sterile filtration, laboratory filtration, prefiltration, sample preparation and gas venting. small filters. big results.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Syringe Filters PTFE; 0.2um pore
Filter sample volumes of 10 to 100mL with these nonsterile syringe filters featuring a variety of membranes and pore sizes for most laboratory applications.
Corning Syringe Filters - Filtration,Syringe and - Fisher Sci
Sterile filters are individually blister-wrapped in cases of 50, nonsterile in cases of 50. The 50mm PTFE syringe filter is supplied in case of 12.
Thermo Scientific Choice Syringe Filters
Thermo Scientific™ Choice Syringe Filters are economic, high-quality filtration products used to remove particles and microorganisms in the sample preparation process, enabling you to provide consistent and reliable experimental results. Choice Syringe Filters are available in a range of membrane types, pore sizes and dimensions to meet your
Syringe Filters for HPLC and sample preparation | analytics
Pore Sizes and Pore Volumes. The filter size depends highly on the filtration volume. For small volumes (< 1 ml), syringe filters with a diameter of 3 mm are usually for medium volumes (1-10 ml), 15 mm and for large volumes (> 10 ml) 25 mm. Common pore sizes for UHPLC and HPLC columns with small particle sizes (< 3 µm) are 0.2 and for columns with larger particle sizes (> 3.5 µm) 0.45 µm
Syringe Filters - Fisher Sci
Sartorius Minisart™ SRP Syringe Filters Designed for ultracleaning of small volume samples for the HPLC or GC analysis. Sartorius Minisart™ SRP Syringe Filters are single-use filtration units with a chemically resistant PTFE membrane and male luer slip outlet. Available in 4, 15 and 25mm diameter filters with 0.2 or 0.45 μm pores.
Syringe and Syringeless Filters - Fisher Sci
Syringe and Syringeless Filters Sartorius Minisart™ High Flow Syringe Filters: Sterile Features PES membrane filter for excellent flow speed and high filtrable volume.
Shop All Syringeless and Syringe Filters | Thermo Fisher
Thermo Scientific™ Choice™ Nylon Syringe Filters are a good option for most general laboratory filtration applications and filtration of most HPLC samples. These sryinge filters provide cleaner sample extracts by removing interfering materials and fine particles down to the rated pore size.
Syringe Filters | Thermo Fisher Scientific
Nalgene™ 50mm inline filter with PTFE membrane provides an excellent barrier for sterile venting of benchtop fermentors, in-line gas filtration, or protecting vacuum pumps from moisture. It also gives the ability to filter aggressive chemicals, including acids and non-aqueous solvents, such as those used in GC and HPLC.
Syringe and Syringeless Filters - Fisher Scientific
Fisher Scientific SL - C/ Luis I, 9 - 28031 MADRID - - Tfno 902 239 303 - Fax 902 239 404 - es.fisher@thermofisher.com S.L. - Registro mercantil de Madrid, Tomo 22.036, Folio 17, Libro 0, Seccion 8a, HOJA M-392903, Inscripción 1a, C.I.F. B-84498955
Titan3 and Target2 Chromatography Syringe Filters
The high quality Thermo Scientific™ Titan3 ™ and Target2™ syringe filters ensure reliable elimination of both particles and micro organisms in the sample preparation process, providing consistent and reliable experimental results for a range of samples and applications. Titan3 and Target2 syringe filters protect chromatography
Syringe Filters for HPLC & Sample Preparation | analytics
Pore Sizes and Volumes. The filter size depends highly on the filtration volume. For small volumes (< 1 ml), syringe filters with a diameter of 3 mm are used for medium volumes (1-10 ml), 15 mm and for large volumes (> 10 ml) 25 mm. Common pore sizes for UHPLC and HPLC columns with small particle sizes (< 3 µm) are 0.2 and for columns with larger particle sizes (> 3.5 µm) 0.45 µm, respectively.
Syringe Filters | Thermo Fisher Scientific New Zealand
Syringe filter Minisart SRP4 0.45um PTFE 4mm 50pcs: 50pcs: SAT17575K: Syringe filter Minisart SRP25 0.2μm 25mm: 50pcs: SAT17576K: Syringe filter Minisart SRP25 0.45μm 25mm: 50pcs: SAT17573K: Syringe filter Minisart SRP15 0.2um 15mm: 50pcs: SAT17559K: Syringe filter Minisart SRP15 0.45um 15mm: 50pcs
Thermo Scientific Target2 PTFE Syringe Filters - Fisher Sci
Target2 PTFE Syringe Filters are used for general biological filtration. They are especially well-suited for applications where high protein recovery is desired. Target2 Syringe Filters are an ideal choice for general purpose laboratory use. Robust and reliable, they deliver excellent performance at an attractive price. Outstanding Performance